Securing the tent against wind gusts


When pitching the tent, we hope that it will be secured against adverse weather conditions, such as rain or wind. However, in the case of stronger gusts, your tent requires special preparation.

How to secure your tent?

First and foremost, prevent it from moving, as it is not permanently fixed to the ground. There are several ways to secure your advertising tent against unplanned detachment. Depending on the surface, we can choose:

  • pins which attach the footing of the frame to the soft substrate
  • guy ropes with anchors for the soft substrate
  • cast iron weights put on the footing of the frame
  • water or sand weights fastened with Velcro to the structure

Blows of wind - the enemy of tents

Pop-up canopy tents by MITKO can be divided into two groups, taking into account resistance to wind gusts. The first group includes the Classic tents which can be used at wind gusts of 14 m/s (50 km/h). When attaching or loading the roof to the ground, the strength of the frame also must be considered. MITKO tents meet consumers' high expectations also in this respect. Strong aluminium profiles and joining solutions work well under almost any unfavourable weather conditions.

Even more resistant

By proposing the purchase of the Dome tents as well as the Premium and Okta Pro pop-up canopies, MITKO sellers offer not only the highest comfort but also the resistance to extreme weather conditions. Roofs of the latter group are resistant to gusts of up to 28 m/s (100 km/h). Obviously, the tent should be properly put and anchored. In the event of maximum loads strength characteristics are determined by Polish standards (PN-EN 13782:2015-07) - and MITKO tents, as the only one in Poland, meet them.

Predict the weather

Meteorological institutes work hard to provide reliable weather data. Most of them do it well and their perditions are highly probable. Therefore, it is advisable to use applications providing wind speed reports for a given location. All you have to do is to enter GPS data and pick information on your Smartphone how strong the wind will be on a given day in a given location. The most popular apps on Google Play are, for example: WINDY: NOAA wind forecast app, Zephyrus Basic Anemometer and Windfinder

You can prepare for weather surprises and at the same time secure your equipment and tent if the weather does not meet your expectations.

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